Andre Wakko

"meu samba me faz bem"

Brasileiro Azucrinista, graduado em Desobêdiencia Tecnológica pela Universidade de Ciências Mentais (DT-UCM) de Belo Horizonte.
No decorrer do curso, o estudo do som cresceu com grande importância, estimulando uma nova ótica sobre o entendimento de Tecnologia e semiótica, resultando no primeiro projeto de Graduação totalmente voltado ao Design Sonoro.

Com seu projeto de graduação, intitulado "Sonema", termo apropriado de outros autores, palestrou para artistas residentes em favelas e pessoas na rua, sobre a importância da percepção do som e composição sonora.

Autoado por formação de quadrilha em meados de 2005, formula junto aos demais o grupo de contra ataque urbano AZUCRINA. (

Em 2008 é exilado para Alemanha, participando em festivais e simposiuns como Transmediale, Tuned City, Berlin SummerCamp, envolvidos com Martin Howse, Jessica Rylan e Julian Oliver, uma aula de desôbediencia tecnológica.

Construindo seus proprios instrumentos eletrônicos e desenvolvendo técnicas de música generativa e instalacoes interativas, apresentou concertos experimentais em diversos palcos de Berlin, Lisboa, Kassel e Potsdamm, assim como projetos dentro da faculdade de artes Universität der Künste Berlin, onde foi aceito para Bacharel em arte generativa para o semestre de inverno de 2009.

Maiores informacoes e projetos, acesse:

A magnetism based installation.
Arduino+magnetic sensor+ ferrofluid
concept and design by André Wakko Hostalácio

Marionet was developed in the open source language SuperCollider.
It is also possible for users to install the Marionet application in their own computers,
thus opening the opportunity to build new distributed instruments/networks for other
contexts. Whenever the system is set up for a new installation (or other purposes),
new characteristics can be implemented, such as randomized sound behavior and
hidden proprieties that makes the system have his own life.

A little boy closed his eyes before he went to sleep. He thought about his lunch in the school, how the leafs are green and if u look it really close u can see some small veins, like the ones in the neck. He started to count how many of them he can see. 1, 2,1,3 … the numbers start flowting away, dancing in the black sky of his brain, changing colors, going up side down and suddently….one of them start to make a cintilante sound, like a bell made of a fine glass. The other number got it exacited and try to imitate or follow the first one. They got lost, and back again, and a strange synthonie was making the boy go deeper and deeper in his blackness. He hear Fibonacci when he sleeps.

The works selected for the exhibition, talks, workshops and performances explore this
by considering the inter-relationships that inform the perception and construction of our landscape.
Special attention has been placed on works which directly or indirectly address the extension of
our perceptual facilities and how they assist us to processes our relations within the world.
In particular the works selected conceptually address issues of awareness, information and control,
mediation and empowerment, loss and disappearance, habit and tradition. In their form and
aesthetic they are objects, techniques and tools which provide the space to allow for the
consideration of alternatives, informing us of our position, differences and the limits, which
can open or close possible landscapes and realities.

Tuned City – Symbiosis [ Machine – Berlin 2008
Circuit Building / Mechanical Arquiteture
35 x 20 x 7 cm

This machine was created in the course of the Tuned City workshop and exhibited at the same
Festival, in Berlin. It presents a mix of old tape decks, marbles, oscillators, mechanical controllers
and garbage. Everything has influence on the audio line out, creating a symbiosis between all the
parts involved.